Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Captain Clutch

So its the end of year we get eliminated in the playoffs, everyone on the team leaves except me and the captain who i roomed with and drove with and we both were taking a college class so we had to stay an extra week. Being our billet mom was the housing coordinator she was a strict bitch. we had to lie to her all the time to sneak broads through the basement window at night. So finally we say fuck it and decide to stay at a hotel. Some shitty red roof inn. His paps paid for it all so it was all good. Of course now that we have freedom we are boozing nightly, smoking nighty, and wheeling nightly. Nothing impressive but getting girls none the less. One night our luck changed. We are sitting in the hot tub boozing , and dipping, its about 45 degrees that night. If you’ve ever been to a red roof inn you know they have vending machines outside. Captain gets up to go get some snacks. All the munchies you can ask for. Comes back about 10 minutes later, I ask him what took him so long all he says is "call me captain clutch" I’m all confused high drunk all of that. We go back in the room and a little 40 or 50 year old Mexican housekeeper is waiting for us. Decent looking, We both ride her all night she gets done punches out. The last 3 weeks the lady just came to our room during her midnight shifts and same thing over and over again.. LOCATION: MINNESOTA

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