Friday, August 7, 2009

Hate Mail

This will now be a weekly post. Ragetastic Voyages will post any hate mail that is sent in or complaints. Check it out each week. Thank you

August 7th: "As a fan of your team this is probably one of the most unclassy and disgusting things I've ever read... a complete disgrace to the program. This is a small town and news of this sort of thing travels fast. Definitely changes my opinion of the team and the involvement they should have in the community. Time to grow up, you should be embarrassed that you even thought about posting this"

July 31st: "Please take this off whoever wrote this. Coach Read this and called me. So call me and get this off the net. #28"

July 31st: " Who is this? Coach just called me and ripped me a new asshole for having that link of my facebook page. Take it off man. He said I have to make sure that it gets off the net or Face the consequences.It is a great story. Not gunna lie. But take it off the blog deal. Repost it in a few weeks. Just take it off for the time being. Please call me. #08-#8#-8##4"

July 31st: "Hey man. its #o# B####. My coach called me and is hassling me about getting this post off. Do me a favor and help save my ass by taking this post off. Its the no big deal. Repost it in a few weeks. Just take it off for the time being"

Ragetastic Voyages: These comments amuse us at RV. All on the same story. Must you guys be selfish and think you are the only Jr team in Washington. If I were the major Jr teams I would take offense.. What team is this and town keeps commenting on this post??? Well they gave away that answer all on they're own with comments like those up top. Great job!! and keep on posting over here at RV. Thank you. We need more retards like yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Need more retards? Half the stuff on this site is misspelt, immature, and moronic. So as far as you guys needing more retards.... you have plenty. I'm sure Crosby spent a lot of time on this kind of thing. I mean, surely writing stuff like this is how you make it in the hockey world. You people are the scum of the earth.
